when “interest” doesn’t cut it anymore — when to stay, when to leave your job

It’s me again, writing about jobs. In this video, I answered the question “do we have to like our jobs?” (Spoiler: the answer is no. In fact, we romanticize the idea of loving our jobs. YOU DON’T NEED TO. It may have benefits but it also has drawbacks.) Today we’re talking about being interested in… Continue reading when “interest” doesn’t cut it anymore — when to stay, when to leave your job

what to do when you’re perceived as weak at work

It sucks when your mental illness colors how people see you. Believe me when I say You’re not your mental illness. Recently at work — since disclosing mental health problems, I might add— I feel as if I’ve been treated differently than before. It’s hard to know if this is intentional or not. I find… Continue reading what to do when you’re perceived as weak at work

top workplace struggles of people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)

I like to start out OCPD content not with a fun anecdote but with its definition. OCPD is not OCD although they can be easily confused. OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions. People with OCD are largely aware of their Os and Cs. People with OCPD don’t necessarily have that repetitive… Continue reading top workplace struggles of people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)

healthy work-from-home habits 🤪 / mental health and covid-19 🦠

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RJcu-3IR7M COVID-19 has lots of us working from home. COVID-19 has lots of us struggling with our mental health. Working from home generally brings two things, sometimes together, sometimes one or the other, and that is: isolation, and burnout -- which are rarely ever good for our mental health.  And essentially this virus has given… Continue reading healthy work-from-home habits 🤪 / mental health and covid-19 🦠

healthy #mentalhealth habits at work *new job* *MY experience*

https://youtu.be/pun55MIXmSc Today I wanted to share how I am establishing healthy habits EARLY at a new job and what these look like *FOR ME*. I am frankly SCARED that my mental health is going to decline and then mess up me job so i'm really trying to be intentional in the first few weeks for… Continue reading healthy #mentalhealth habits at work *new job* *MY experience*

VLOG #2: treatment update, saying bye to therapist & imposter syndrome

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwzBfpsjwx4 On today's #mentalhealthSATURDAY, I answer: - what is UP - what is IMPOSTER SYNDROME - what's something i should look for when therapist shopping? - my job WORRIES – OCPD and anxiety related - who is the villain in the incredibles - job expectations - more worrying – yes i did start my worry… Continue reading VLOG #2: treatment update, saying bye to therapist & imposter syndrome

obsessive compulsive *PERSONALITY* disorder – what is it + what does it look like in the workplace?

https://youtu.be/jNBGt2MESi0 On today's #mentalhealthmonday, I answer: What IS obsessive compulsive personality disorder?What is the difference between obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?What are elements of OCPD that can be equated with "positive" traits in the workplace/academia? (In the video above, I call these "pros" of OCPD – that's really not what… Continue reading obsessive compulsive *PERSONALITY* disorder – what is it + what does it look like in the workplace?